We’re excited to introduce several new improvements to make Google Web Designer faster and easier to use. Whether you're copying and pasting across projects or dragging and dropping layers across the timeline, the tool allows you to work the way you need. Today, we're launching the following updates:

Timeline Enhancements: 

  • Advanced Mode - Zoom: Users can now zoom in and out of the timeline allowing for more precise placement of keyframes. 
  • Multiple keyframe/thumbnail selection: Easily select or delete all the keyframes (in Advanced mode) or thumbnails (in Quick Mode) in a layer at once. 
  • Animate properties in the first thumbnail: Quick Mode now allows editing the first keyframe and retaining the other keyframe properties. 
  • Drag to hide/lock layers: It is now possible to drag-select hide/lock icons in the layers instead of clicking each icon one by one. And users will still be able to click each layer to lock or hide, if desired. 
  • New easing functions: We have added two new easing functions for animation: step-start and step-end. Using these new functions for animated property values, users will gain more control over their animation transitions. 
          New easing functions for the animations in Google Web Designer

Copy/paste across documents 

Any element that can be copied in the same document can now be copied to other documents, including assets and groups. In addition, if assets or other data conflicts, a dialog box will open to ask you to manually choose the resolution.

Preferences panel 

Customize Google Web Designer to your style and workflow preferences in one central location. For example, you can set a number of Code View defaults including the color theme and preferred keymap.

JavaScript library support 

DoubleClick Studio users can now easily import the Greensock JS Library for creatives made in Google Web Designer. You can also add a variety of plugins including TweenLite, TweenMax, and Text Plugins to help you build your creatives.

JavaScript library support in Google Web Designer

Today, we also launched a new Google Web Designer Learning path on Academy for Ads. This resource can help you learn the ins and outs of Google Web Designer in quick, five minute modules or dedicate more time to working through the full Learning path.

Ready to get started? Check out our Google Web Designer ad gallery for inspiration. If you’ve already downloaded Google Web Designer, it will automatically update to reflect the new features listed above. If you haven’t yet downloaded the tool, you can download it for free here.

Posted by Jasmine Rogers, Program Manager, Google Web Designer