Welcome to the Google Web Designer Developer Blog!

Google Web Designer has skyrocketed in usage over the last year and while we are just getting started, there is so much more we plan to do. This year will see a large amount of new capabilities and we are excited to continue to enable great workflows that spark your creativity and help you create winning campaigns.

We already have a large library of tutorial videos on YouTube, which is an excellent learning tool for our product and I encourage everyone to watch and learn from them. We also have a community Forum where our team regularly engages with users, as well as a robust Help Center that broadly covers Google Web Designer’s features.

As great as our current resources are, there is a lot more information that can be shared from the minds of the developers who actually build Google Web Designer. Beginning now, members of the Google Web Designer team will write a weekly blog post that focuses on how to utilize the tool to create amazing content. These posts will include useful tips and how-to’s, everything from the best way to create certain ad types, to advice on how to get the most out of Google Web Designer’s features and functionality. From time to time we will also provide sneak peeks on new features and concepts we plan to introduce into the tool.

I hope you will check out our posts each week and that you develop more knowledge and skills from them.